2010年10月5日 星期二

WOO!My Business Card BB 出世啦~

好開心呀 !
我人生第一張business card 終於出世啦~xD
真係講你都唔信... 由構思至出世, 足足攪o左幾個月.
一張平平冇奇的小card背後, 藏住了不一樣的故事和意義.

cher~ business card jei ma...
只係一張比人contact 到自己o既紙.
有幾難整jei ~

但係我覺得一張Business card actually係代表緊我自己~
代表緊我自己O既STYLE. ATTITUTE .and Presentation.

點樣可以令一個素未謀面o既人 , 對你有信心.
at least 引起到佢o既興趣,
會打入去你o既website 睇o下你d野呢?

To me, Bussiness card Just like A CV.
Hoepfully, i may have a chance and go to the second interview = 試妝.
Bussiness card 's Colour tone ,word Font, word size, word and pic 's 擺位, style etc.都有認真諗過ga.
The card is giving the message, hopefully the receiver can feel it and get it.

Business Card Production Process.
我e個仔...真係 o左幾次胞先生得出嫁 ..@_@..
記得第一胞是invite 我一位小學同學 design o既..
可惜佢真係超busy...一直冇時間help 我整...
第一胞就此告吹 :(
第二胞, 真係超興奮.
係一個我superlike o既designer help 我design o既.
覺我自己好幸運 + 超幸福~
我滿懷HOPE 去到 e-print.
點知 !
個e-print staff 竟然同我講:
"喂~ 小姐~ 你個photoshop file resolution 太細, 又唔留出血位.."
 "吓 !? "...." 如果......咁咁咁得唔得呀 !??"
"如果咁咁咁咁.....又print 唔print 到呀!?"
e-print 哥哥said:" 唔得呀 !! 小姐 , 算吧啦~~~  再整過啦...."
就係咁...第2胞又咁冇o左啦 :(
完來整business card 都要注意好多野嫁~
第開new file果時要must the right resolution, and 要留出血位, colour 又要choose ...etc.
oh!sorry ar...waste o左你d心機tim~ :p
Anyway, really thanks:D
我會記住你係我第一個help我design business o既人 ~ 哈哈 :)

第3胞 , invite o左e個世界上對我至好o既best friend help 我design...
可惜天意難為 , 突然佢又要move屋, 又要move 公司.
睇住佢busy都死都仲要help 我design...好感動呀~

但見佢咁busy, 好似講個電話都<村>晒氣咁,仲要佢help 我design, 我實在太冇人性.
更加上 production o既時間實在太長.
最後, 決定lower the要求,放棄了原本的design (smaller size/ uv), req 自己一晚內要完成.
thanks god give me 靈感.
i quit saitisfy my new version business card :D ...呵呵呵

講O左咁耐... hey 各位不要抱太大期望.
Just a simple design.


希望, 接到過我手上 business card o既 朋仔可以感受到我o既用心 & 誠意 "
希望, 接到我business card o既 某某知道我好希望認識到您e位new fd .

it'S Not about PRICE.   Is about VALUE.  Effort.  n MY Heart.